Cancer Full Moon December 2020

When: 30/12 at 4:28pm (NZ); 2:28pm (AEDT); 12:58pm (NT); 11:28am (Perth/ Beijing); 3:28am (Lon); 29/12 at 10:28pm (NYC) + 7:28pm (LA)

Welcome to the final Full Moon of 2020, and in keeping with the symbolic style of this year it of course falls right near the end of the year. This Full Moon is a calling to wrap up energy before we step over the threshold into a new year. Now of course time is just a construct, at one level, but at another it can hold deep meaning for us in this physical realm. This Full Moon is particularly important as it is the fulfilment of the two Cancer New Moons we had in 2020 (one of which was a Solar Eclipse). So let’s jump into it.

The Cancer Moon Cycle

Image Credit: Vogue Australia

Image Credit: Vogue Australia

Every year we have two moon in the same sign - because we have 13 moons each year and abide by a 12 sign zodiac. So in 2020, that extra moon was in Cancer. Which feels just about right, as these past 2 years have been dominated by Capricorn and Cancer (which are oppositions ) energy.

This Full Moon is the calling to light or the flourishing of seeds that were planted during both the last Cancer Solar Eclipse on the 21st of June (with the solstice) and the subsequent Cancer New Moon on the 21st of July. If we break that down, there’s a very obvious message in it from the universe. Firstly, Solar Eclipses are like New Moons on steroids. They generally aren’t a time when we are personally laying intentions, rather because of their Karmic nature we are normally getting out of the way in order for our higher self to direct the course. So this energy is sitting within what will manifest with the final Full Moon. However there was an opportunity for personal intentions to be laid also with the 21st July Cancer New Moon. So in a way this Full Moon is bringing into manifestation the marriage of our earthly and heavenly selves. It’s a time of stepping back and allowing the innate creativity of this universe to be birthed through us.

What does a Cancer Full Moon represent?

This is a particularly strong Full Moon, as Cancer is ruled by the moon. So it can have this pull associated with it, drawing us into its natural ebb and flow. In fact sometimes the emotional capacity of a Cancer Full Moon can feel so overwhelming our natural reaction will be to shut off the feeling. I encourage you to, if it feels right, to allow it to flow. In fact what often stops us feeling these emotions is the fear of how overwhelming our mind thinks they will be. It can almost be like sitting in a catch-22, because emotions are kinetic and want to move. By shutting our feelings down or capacity to express this, we cause these emotions to stay within us - when al they are wanting it to shift and move beyond your physical body. It is a beautiful practice to honour yourself like the ocean, knowing there will be storms, big and small waves…and yet underneath that at the depths of it is stillness. The same is true with you. Emotions might ruffle the surface, but they can never touch that inner most part.

This Cancer Full Moon is a time of birthing into the world energy, ideas, projects associated with our life’s foundations. Cancer is seen as the ruler of our home life, our family, who we live with but really beyond all of that the feeling of stability we can find within. That place that is truely our home, and has nothing to do with the house we live in. This can feel like both a release and a calling in of new energy, as the solar eclipse associated with this Full Moon was the last of its kind in Cancer until 2028. So in a way what is wrapped up in all of this is the end of an era. A replacement of the void that was created in 2020, with fresh energy to bring you into 2021.

So let’s talk about the specific astrology at play with this Full Moon.

Cancer Full Moon Astrology

Sun in Capricorn (with Kali, Mercury + Parvati) opposed Moon in Cancer at 8’53

The Sun in the paternal sign of Capricorn will oppose the maternal Moon in Cancer. Through this tension in our inner masculine and with our identity we shine light upon our feminine giving her a chance to be seen, particularly when she has historically been buried or given second place within the patriarchy we have been living in. This light is shining on how you mother yourself, bringing into consciousness new ways of being, creative projects, relationships and even new ideas related to your life foundations. This is a Full Moon to look at the base upon which you have built your life on, your family (chosen or seemingly biological), the place you call home and the love that comes from deep within. It is a time to allow the softest parts of our nature to be seen.

Kali, Mercury + Parvati add tension to the Sun to help this happen. Calling for you to allow the ego to step to one side, to not fear the emotions that run deep within you but see them rather as a way back to the one that lies within. When we allow our emotions to run, and shift like nature we ourselves become nature. Kali is calling of you to step into that wildness, to take off the armour and allow your deep emotion to show. For in that is a road back to your true self. Mercury helps to carve that path encourage you to find the words (even though this can be a really difficult thing to do) to speak your emotion. Even if that’s to yourself, even if that’s as a poem or a song. Finally Parvati, in this instance, presents herself as the feminine ability to wake itself up. She calls for you to acknowledge the deep love that runs within and to foster that by focusing on something bigger than yourself. That could be honouring mother nature, the goddess, the god, your higher self or the spirit within (they are all the same).

Ready to work with the energy of this final Full Moon!

Join me for the final Ritual + Reading of 2020. We’ll go through the full astrology for this time, a guided practice to softly allow this energy to release within you; plus you’ll receive a bonus written astrology reading for your chart. Click here for more information.


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