Great Conjunction - Jupiter meets Saturn - December 2020

When: 22nd December at 6:20am (NZ), 4:20am (AEDT); 2:50am (Darwin); 1:20am (Perth/ Beijing); 21st of December at 5:20pm (London); 12:20pm (NYC) + 9:20am (LA).

What a year we have had. This has been a year or at least 12 months of one in life time meetings of Saturn, Pluto + Jupiter. These three together have been the astrological equivalent of the shifts we have been through. So before we lay it all out and talk about the Grand Conjunction, lets chat about what key big (one in a lifetime) transits we have been through since December 2020

  • 12-13th January: Saturn Conjunct Pluto in Capricorn - Last met in 1771 (when we shifted out of mercantilism into industrial capitalism).

  • 27th April + 13th November: Jupiter Conjunct Pluto in Capricorn - Last met in 1521-1522 (when we had the reformation - arguably the Catholic Church was the Corporation of the 1500s).

  • 21-22nd December: Jupiter Conjunct Saturn at 0' Aquarius (Grand Conjunction or Great Conjunction) - Last met in 1405 (when we had the end of the Mongal Empire, the first feminist literature and a break in the Black Plague). More on this in a second.

It has been the first meeting of Jupiter, Saturn + Pluto in Capricorn in more than a millennia

Finally we have to mention the fact that Jupiter, Saturn + Pluto have all been conjunct in Capricorn (not perfectly as above) since the 25th of January this year. This is something that has not happened since 1894BCE. It was believed this was when Babylon was established. This is arguable the origination of the modern city that we now (most of us) live in today. In a way another structure, like the Catholic Church, Capitalism etc to come out of the Capricorn.These have all occurred along the Lyra Stargate. That is a system that stretches from 7 degrees Capricorn to 0 degrees Aquarius - where the Grand Conjunction will Occur.

What is the Lyra Star Gate or Star System?

Lyra is home to one of the oldest energies in the universe (known as Lyrans). Their energy has a long history with the earth and other planets (they were believed to have seeded the Pleiades, Orion, and Sirius). What’s important to remember is they hold the energy of adventure and being pioneers. This is an energy very close to Jupiter’s vibration. Lyrans are of a higher level of consciousness than Earth - having realised a unified consciousness and understanding that what lies outside of them is a mirror to their inner life. In fact we are in the process of moving from 3D consciousness to 5D, something they are able to help support and facilitate with the Stargate that will open. For those of your who have strong ties to ArchAngels and the Angelic realm, Ariel is known as the ruler of Lyra. Ariel is an energy that rules the treatment of sentient life, including animals in our realm. It’s message (as Ariel is neither Male nor Female) is of respect for all life around us. (There is a certain synchronicity in this, when the virus we are experiencing is caused by animals…or better said our mistreatment of them). So know that the energy of Lyra is with us as Pluto + Jupiter merge, opening up a portal that will help us transcend to 5D consciousness. Let’s get into the Grand Conjunction.

What is the Grand Conjunction?

The Grand Conjunction is the name given to the meeting of Jupiter + Saturn -regardless of the sign they are in. This occurs every 19.6 years, as Jupiter (who has an 11 year loop around the Zodiac) overtakes Saturn (who has a 29 year loop around the Zodiac). The last Grand Conjunction was in May 2000 the sign of Aries. In fact this will be the first Grand Conjunction in Aquarius in over 600 years. Historically Grand Conjunctions have been seen as Good Omens, because they move in Triangles around the Zodiac. For those that know a Triangle or 120’ angels represent harmony. So the next Grand Conjunction will occur at in Libra in April 2040 and then Gemini in May 2060. Essentially creating a Grand Trine (incredibly auspicious aspect) over the next 40 years. These three signs are all air signs, and thus represent a shifting into the mental and intellectual plane for the collective. This is an energy of wisdom, knowledge and of serving. In fact this first Grand Conjunction in Aquarius is calling deep into the the parts of self that wish to find a better way to live, and calls us into that self that knows to follow that path it needs to let go of social conditioning.

What’s the deal with this AQUARIUS GrEAT Conjunction?

On the 21st-22nd of December Jupiter + Saturn will meet at 0’ of Aquarius. Think of this like the portal into Aquarian Energy. This is so vastly different from their time in Capricorn - which has been marred by destruction and really a testing of our life’s foundations. Aquarius on the other hand is the creator. It’s like now the grounds are flat it’s time to build, and not rebuild what has been before but really push ourselves towards something different altogether. Aquarius energy is rebellious, its core motive is to destroy the status quo and to create from a place of pure originality. It is the sign of the mad scientist, the progressive, the revolutionary and those who deep in their hearts know there is a better way and the only way to get to this place is to step out of societies expectations. So with this in mind we have the meeting of the Explorer, Jupiter and the Lord of Karma, Saturn. Together these two create tension (also worth mentioning they are father - Saturn- and son - Jupiter….in his Grandfathers sign - Uranus). Jupiter demands freedom, while Saturn constricts. It’s in this beauty we discover something new about ourselves. We open up to the realisation that we are the ones who will save ourselves, as embodiments of the divine.

To get a flavour for what this Aquarius Grand Conjunction is all about lets go back in history..

What happened in the last Aquarius Grand Conjunction?

The last Grand Conjunction in Aquarius was in the 15th Century. Around January the 21st Saturn + Jupiter met at 24’ of Aquarius. We have to remember that Aquarius’ role is to break convention (old systems), to explore and discover new ways of being (particularly with the influence of Jupiter) and to invent. It really is a time of stepping into our inner black sheep and seeing the world through the eyes of a creator. Ok, so the last Great/ Grand Conjunction sparked immense change for the world. Lets go a quick run down of world history:

  • Destruction of convention + New Leadership:

    • Firstly the Mongol Empire was divided as Tamerland (it’s leader) suddenly died and this ultimately led to its demise. To put this in context the Mongol Empire up until 1405 was the largest contiguous land empire in history.

    • France was also on the brink of Civil War from 1405, this escalated when John 1 of Burgundy had Louis of Orlean Assassinated. Civil War eventually broke out in 1413 (which has more to do with Uranus in Aquarius). This ultimately led to Jean of Arcs revolution.

  • Exploration + Creation:

    • In China Ming Dynasty fleet commander Zheng He sets sail to explore the world for the first time and visited India, Western Asia + East Africa ultimately helping to set up trade routes.

    • In Ireland the Catholic Monks distilled the very first whiskey (or at least this is the first written record of it being consumed).

  • Standing up for Human Rights:

    • Christine De Pizan, a female writer within the French Court, published ’The Book of the City of Ladies’ in 1405. On the back of a book published by Jean De Meun that described women as ’nothing more than seducers’, Christine responded with this book in which she argues that women are valued participants in society and advocates for their education.

Let’s go back a little further to the Grand Conjunction of 1226 (which looks more like this one).

Now I want to take a step back again to the last Great Conjunction in the closet degree to this one which was in 1226. On the 4th of March, 1226 Jupiter + Saturn met at 2’ of Aquarius (so very close to where this Grand Conjunction will hit).

  • Exploration + New Thinking:

    • Soto Zen Buddhism was introduced to Japan by Dogen (who received Dharma Transmission from the 13th Patriarch of Zen Buddhism)

    • Buttons were invented (first appearing in Germany).

  • Destruction of Convention + New Leadership:

    • Gengkis Khan died, founder of the Mongal Empire. Which obviously survived him and outgrow his legacy.

  • Standing up for Human Rights:

    • Louis the 8th started his reign as King of France, during which time France reached an economic peak. Louis was actually seen as a fair + moral king (ok we have to be fair here that History is written by the victors) and the only canonised ruler of France (Saint Louis). He was a reformer who developed a justice system, in which he was the supreme judge but anyone (regardless of status) would appeal for an amendment of judgement. He introduced the presumption of innocence (aka innocent until proven guilty) into criminal procedure. He also banned Trials by Ordeal (aka punishing someone until they admit the truth).

Ok I could go on and on. The thing you realise when you’re digging back this far is firstly that patriarchal nature of society and secondly the dominance of religious wars. If feel as thought these things are changing. I expect the Grand Conjunction to be a good omen, and one that sets up for 2021, with Saturn + Jupiter in Aquarius (as well as two Aquarius New Moons). This looks to be a year to break free, to rebel and awaken to the idea that you are the creator.

Join me on the 21st of December for a community Meditation.

You can sign up here to attend or receive the replay.


Uranus Opposition: The Mid-Life Crisis


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