April's Scorpio Full Moon is Calling for Transformation? Here's What to Expect.

When: 24th April 11:48am (NZ), 9:48am (AEST), 9:18am (ACST), 7:48am (AWST/CST), 5:18am (IST), 3:48am (GST), 1:48am (CEST), 12:48am (BST) + 23rd of April at 7:48pm (EDT), 5:48pm (MDT) + 4:48pm (PDT)

Themes: Rebirth, Taking Responsibility for the Self, Letting go of old Programming, Shining light upon the shadow.


The Scorpio Full Moon draws to a close a period of immense transformation, and rebirth which started around the 25th of October 2022. This has necessitated you come face-to-face with your own issues around control, power and manipulation.These tend to be things that we all reject within ourselves and as such they get expressed in the external world around us - through our friends, our work places, our governments, our lovers and our families. This Full Moon is calling for you to own these darker parts of your nature in order that they might be understood, tamed and alchemised. When you allow yourself to realise that what lies outside of you is only an expression of what is within you, you can start to be humbled by your own ignorance. For whatever you reject within, appears outside for you to meet again and again in relationships + experiences until you can accept it within yourself.


Scorpio is a sign that is about death and life - not necessarily in the literal sense but more in the the fact that during our lifetimes we die a thousand deaths as we let go of who we thought we were and the false ideas + notions we had about the world. Scorpio is the place where we come face-to-face with ourselves. As such with the Sun in Taurus (which is determined, loving and light) shining upon the Moon in Scorpio it is bringing to the surface secrets that you have hidden from others, as well as from yourself.

This is a Full Moon that is calling for you to have the courage to deal with the darker side of your nature. The part of you that can lie, that experiences jealousy, that manipulates etc. This is not about falling into the lure of these primitive energies but rather transmuting them through the light of your own awareness and understanding. Remember that Scorpio (in the form of the Scorpion animal) is by it's nature poisonous. Like all poisons in nature is has the ability to harm or heal (as an antidote). Said in another way we can fall into the trap of entertaining our darkness by taking sides, seeking revenge and wanting to hurt someone else or we can use it to heal by seeing that this 'poison' is a doorway to your own evolution.


This Full Moon means you are at the threshold of great personal transformation but with Pluto (the modern ruler of Scorpio) in tension with it there can be quite a big of resistance to what is coming. This can come in the form of thinking you've 'done' all the work… through to that deep resistance to change. Remember we often hold onto the suffering we know because it's familiar. This Full Moon is allowing you to see the ways in which you are resisting your own rebirth. This is actually a blessing as you come to know this place which fears transformation you can see how scared the ego is of anything 'new' or out of it's control. Byron Katie describes the ego as a fearful child that simply needs to be met with love. This is your (and all of our) tasks this Full Moon. To meet our thoughts with compassion, remembering that change is your nature not something you can control. You are merely observing the change that nature is creating within + around you.


In Vedic astrology this Full Moon will fall in Swati Nakshatra. This is an energy that calls for you to understand that in every moment you have a choice in how you show up. In any situation you can see the negative (play the victim) or see the potential of it to liberate you. This Full Moon is giving you this choice (well not really but it can feel like it). This Nakshatra is ruled by the elemental Diety Vayu - god of the Wind. This is an energy that has the ability to link conscious with the soul (in the form of breathe). However we often waste this life force through shallow, unconscious breathing. This Full Moon is awakening you to the ways in which this is present in your life - metaphorically where you have allowed ignorance to reign over love (your true nature). The opportunity of this energy is to weave a deeper connection between your consciousness and your soul. Reflected another way how the external world can be used as a mirror back to yourself when you get really conscious about your life (and have the courage to look).


Receive a personal written reading, astrology forecast + sacred rituals for both cosmic events. FYI, in this Moon's ritual we will be working with the god Vayu (as described above). Details here.


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