Pluto In Aquarius 2023 - 2044: Liberty, Equality + Fraternity

As the slowest mover on the Zodiac, Pluto arguably has the biggest impact. From the period of November 2008 until 2024 (I’ll explain the overlap in a second) Pluto has been carving us social structures that have restricted and stifled us. As we hit 2023 Pluto will be in Aquarius. Marking a significant shift in our lives over the next 2 decades he takes up residence there.

Pluto in Aquarius - Liberty, Equality + Fraternity

As Pluto enters Aquarius which will happen for the first time on the 24th of March, 2023 where he will stay until he moved retrograde back into Capricorn on the 12th of June. But not to worry he will be back for good from the 22nd of January 2024.

Aquarius is the sign of the rebel, the innovator and the iconoclast. It is a sign that is concerned with the good of humanity - not just of the individual. It calls for us to create anew from a place where we remove the restrictions of old convention. So you can feel how the shift from Capricorn to Aquarius makes sense. While Pluto has been in Capricorn we have been doing serious shadow work around these so called conventions - be they governmental, institutional or corporate - get ready for the fall. Aquarius is the sign of big ideas and ideals. It believes in creating from scratch, and not with putting up with the restrictions which stop the progress particularly on behalf of the collective. Pluto entering Aquarius brings with it a calling - Power to the People. Or as the French Revolutionaries would say - Liberty (freedom), Egalite (equality), Fraterity (brotherhood).

This is something no one alive has experienced as Pluto takes around 248 years to orbit the sun. Although he is a slow mover the changes he creates are profound and very often alter the path we believed we were following. So let’s look at the last couple of times he was in Aquarius, to give us a flavour for what we can expect..

The last time Pluto was in Aquarius was 1778 until 1798...

This was a period marred by the elimination of old governments and the birth of revolutions. We had:

  • The American Revolution - Now a lot of the fighting took place during Pluto’s shift in Capricorn, as it moved into Aquarius there was the recognition of America as separate from the UK and no longer under its rule. This particular period was marked by American alliances with the French, Spanish + Dutch (through the French)

  • Adoption of the Bill of Rights (1789 - 1791) - this is the first 10 amendments of the United States Constitution guaranteeing personal freedoms with clear limitations on the governments power.

  • The Anglo-French War (1778-1783) - which ultimately led to the French supporting America's move for independence - this also led to Frances Revolution (which will occur will Pluto is in Aquarius)

  • The French Revolution (1789 - 1799) - hello revolution number 2 in this revolution the French people deposed of their monarchy. We had the storming of the Bastile (which is celebrated every year as Bastile Day). This led to the establishment of the French Republic on the 22nd of September 1792 (as well as the execution of the monarch Louis XVI). There was the creation of the Declaration of the Rights of Man + of the Citizen (which echo’ed the Declaration of independence) a paper detailing the universal rights of man (Which still lives on in the current French Constitution).

  • Patent of Toleration is Established (1781) - extending religious freedoms to non-Catholic Christians living in the Crown lands of the Habsburg Monarchy (Austria, Slovenia, North Eastern Italy + South Western Germany).

Then if we slide back even further we have Pluto in Aquarius from 1532 until 1552

Again a period marred by revolution and the breaking of tradition - all of which feel to have religious basis such as:

  • England breaks from the Catholic Church (1533): King Henry the VIII breaks from the Catholic Church and intern establishes the Church of England. Disolving all monasteries + absorbing and redistributing their properties. This was the greatest redistribution of property and wealth since the Norman Conquest in 1066.

Pluto in Aquarius 2023 - 2044: Power to the People

If we break it down every Pluto in Aquarius is met with revolution. They revolted against the convention of the day - in the cast of the 1500s that was religious institutions; and the 1700s it was countries and governments. My bets are on the exiting and revolting again both government and corporate structures. Welcome to a New World.

What are you sensing about the coming change, feel free to share below…

Ready to understand how this energy is manifesting in your chart?

Join me for the Pluto in Aquarius + Aries New Moon Workshop. Details here.


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