March's Horoscopes. Here's what to expect for your sign...

This is a month of beginnings and endings. Up until the close of Pisces Season on the 20th of March, there is a calling for you to let go of what no longer serves you - the things you know you have outgrown, and that you don’t want to carry into the new astrological year which will start on the 20th with the Sun entering Aries. The last 10 days of this month are packed with some fierce energy, not only is this about beginnings, but the first Eclipse Season of 2024 will start on the 25th (lasting until the 9th of April). This is a time calling for you to consider where you need balance between your independence and your relationships as well as between giving and receiving. This Eclipse Season demands surrender and acceptance that anything ends or starts during this period is for your highest good (as well as all those involved).

Keep reading below for how this month’s energy will affect you. Read for your ascendent (if you know it) or your sun sign if you’re unsure.

Aries: March 21 – April 19

The start of this month calls for you to purge and release everything that is too heavy to bring into the new astrological year, which begins when the Sun enters your home sign, Aries, on the 20th. Therefore, it's a time to become comfortable with letting go as well as listening to the intuitive nudges you receive through dreams, meditations, and downloads, hinting at what you need to release. The New Moon on the 10th of March offers you the perfect opportunity to set intentions around this energy of letting go. If you need assistance or universal support in this regard, call upon this lunar force. As the Sun moves into Aries on the 20th of March, you may feel like you can finally take a breath of fresh air. This marks a month-long season of calling in the new and fiercely initiating new energy in your life. You may feel like you've regained your mojo, but don't get too comfortable, as Eclipse Season kicks off on the 25th of March (lasting until the 9th of April) in the sign of Libra. This energy is focused on your intimate and business relationships, which ultimately mirror the relationship you have with yourself. This isn’t a time to manifest, but rather to surrender and allow the universe to remove from your life anything you were still holding on to from Pisces Season, as well as deliver new energy in relationships, and perhaps even a new partner.


Taurus: April 20 – May 20.

This is a time to focus on friendships and on the deep soul connection you have in this life (the people you know are your ‘people’). If there is one thing you have been learning since late last month life is too short for superficial relationships. As such there can be a feeling of wanting to pull back from friendships or social groups who leave you feeling empty and a little drained – as you start to prioritize your own energy. As the Pisces New Moon peaks on the 10th of March this is the perfect time to lay intentions around what you want to manifest more of in your friends, as well as what you are ready to let go of. Know that this is an intention that will come into manifestation over the next 6 months. The Sun moves into Aries on the 20th of March and this change can feel like the end of the year for you (even though ironically it is the start of the astrological year). Aries Season is one that demands you go a little deeper within, you get comfortable with endings and with impulsive decisions that force you to let go (which can go against your considered nature). March finishes with the start of Eclipse Season (the first of 2024) on the 25th of March. This is a heightened energy that calls for total surrender when it comes to your health, your wellbeing as well as stepping into new energy around how you give and receive….really allowing yourself to put your own needs first in relationships (even though that might feel really icky). Know that the energy of Eclipse Season will carry you into April, so do your best to prepare before it starts by meditating, taking time out to care for yourself and ensuring that your daily routine is supporting your well-being.


Gemini: May 21 – June 20.

March means business. This is a time to consider what structure and order you need to put into your life. It’s a very adult energy that can have you feeling a little overly responsible for the people around you (particularly work colleagues or clients). Added to that, it can bring to the surface the possibility of real and lasting change when it comes to your work, particularly in the form of endings or opportunities to move away from what you are currently doing. If you’ve been feeling that longing or calling to shift something when it comes to your work, use the Pisces New Moon on the 10th of March to call upon the universe to step up and help you in this move. As the Sun moves into Aries on the 20th of March, things in your world will start to shift and feel a little lighter. Aries Season calls for you to spend time with friends (finding a balance with work), being a little bit more social than normal as well as meeting new people – in fact, there is the potential here for new relationships and soul friends to pop up seemingly out-of-the-blue. This can also manifest as a sense of wanting to help out at a societal level with the devastation you see around the world. So you can find yourself being called to start volunteering, or even lead a project to help others. March finishes with a Libra Lunar Eclipse on the 25th, which will be pulling your attention towards romance and passion. It calls for you to step into more of your power, your creativity and expression – letting go of the opinions + expectations of the world around you.


Cancer: June 21 – July 22.

Pisces Season, which started on the 19th of last month, has been calling for you to expand your horizons. This has meant that there have been moments of challenge as you run into your own limitations (realizing they are your own, not someone else’s), as well as moments of joy as you realize how free you really are. Up until the 20th of this month, you can find yourself expressing this energy through travel, study, teaching, or simply doing something that alters your current state of consciousness into one of greater liberation. The Pisces New Moon on the 10th invites you to work with this expansive energy and lay intentions around your own abundance. So if there’s something you wish to grow or call into your life that you feel will challenge your own sense of lack, use this Moon to do it. The Sun moves into Aries on the 20th and shifts your focus to work and responsibilities. This can manifest as the start of new energy (think a new project, new job, etc.) in your career. Added to that, you can find that your own internal drive and motivation are heightened over the next month. So if you have something you need to get done in this area of your life, use this wave and ride it. This month finishes with the first Eclipse Season of 2024, which will start on the 25th (and continue until the 9th of April). This Libra Lunar Eclipse is calling you home to yourself, and that can manifest as a change in where you are living, how, or with whom you are living. This isn’t a time to push against the energy but rather to surrender to what comes through and see it as a message from your higher self (for it is).


Leo: July 23 – August 22

The start of this month can have you feeling like you are in the process of deep transformation – deep in the darkness of the divine mother’s womb. The first three weeks of March are calling you to face the parts of yourself that you avoid, and that scare you. So pay attention to who this shadow is reflected onto in the world around you – you can see it through the people and circumstances that trigger you. Note that when emotion rises, it’s not about projecting it outside of you but rather going within and seeing what it wants to tell you. The Pisces New Moon on the 10th is the perfect time to seek some extra cosmic support on your journey of transformation. So ask the universe for exactly what you need and watch it meet you. As the Sun moves into Aries on the 20th, the energy will dramatically shift. As you step out of the restrictive waters of transformation into the expansive energy of Aries Season. This marks a month where you are being called to step into greater optimism, to explore and get curious about the world. This is also a season that can see you booking a holiday, traveling overseas, enrolling in new studies, or stepping into the role of mentor for someone around you. The 25th brings with it a Libra Lunar Eclipse, and the opening of a big energetic portal that will take you through to the 9th of April. Be prepared at this time to have important conversations in business or intimate relationships, to speak your truth and even get really diplomatic in how you approach life.


Virgo: August 23 – September 22

Love, relationships, and partnerships are the big theme for you at the start of March. This is an energy asking for you to really feel into the energy of these connections and get clear on what you want to take forward into the new astrological year (which starts with Aries Season on the 20th) and what you are ready to let go of. This is a time where you are learning about alignment and having the bravery to face what doesn’t fit anymore within your life or vibration. If there is fear around what you are letting go of, then use the Pisces New Moon on the 10th to call in some extra support from the universe. Use this New Moon to get really clear on what you want when it comes to relationships (both business and personal), and this will start to unfold over the next 6 months. As the Sun moves into Aries on the 20th, it can feel like you are falling down the ‘rabbit hole,’ so to speak. As Aries Season marks a time of intense transformation and restriction for you. It is calling for you to come face-to-face with the parts of yourself that you avoid and have the bravery to love these. This is also a time that can bring about immense change in your life when it comes to your direction – you might find a new path appear that you hadn’t considered until now. This month finishes with the first Eclipse Season of the year, which will kick off on the 25th and go until the 9th of April. Note that this is a time where the energy is chaotic, and it is working to move you into deeper resonances with your highest good. As such, the energy around the 25th can have you really feeling transformation around relationships taking place, as well as big questions of self-worth and value coming to the surface.


Libra: September 23 – October 22

It’s time to focus on your own well-being. That means it’s time to take some rest and not feel guilty about putting your needs first (in order to avoid burnout and actually give you the capacity to serve more people). The start of this month is also a time to consider what daily habits you need to let go of. Maybe you have a vice (smoking, drinking, etc.) you’ve been holding onto that just isn’t benefiting your health or general well-being. If that’s the case and you need a little extra help in letting this go, use the Pisces New Moon on the 10th to lay your intentions and harness some extra cosmic support. As the Sun moves into Aries on the 20th, your energy will shift to relationships. This is a season that can be filled with tension as you are being called to find a balance between your independence and your partnerships. Realizing that you can have both but it is a journey to find that stability. Aries season is encouraging you to bring new energy into your partnerships that can manifest as a new partner, a new relationship dynamic, or a way to move forward with an existing partnership. This energy will only get more intense when the Libra Full Moon Eclipse peaks on the 25th (kicking off the first Eclipse Season of 2024). This will place the pressure firmly on the relationship you have with yourself and the freedom you deeply crave in partnerships. If there is anything that is out of alignment or not built on solid ground here, expect it to be challenged by this Moon. It is a time for you to practice surrender and allow this Lunar Force to direct you to that place of greater balance that you have been striving for.

Scorpio: October 23 – November 21

It’s time to lighten up and take a moment to not take things too seriously – or look for a depth that simply isn’t there. You naturally err on the side of being a little bit paranoid about people, events, or situations – always on the lookout to feel the true motivations of those involved. The first half of this month is calling for you to do something a little unnatural for you and just accept what you see – in the process inject a little bit more joy into your world. That can manifest as a time to dance, paint, sing, and play – allowing your soul to find expression in its human form. As the Pisces New Moon peaks on the 10th, it is calling for you to start a bigger cycle of finding more joy in your life. This is an energy calling for you to bask in the pure bliss of being alive and it will unfold over the coming 6 months (quicker if you can release your resistance to this). As the Sun moves into Aries, you’ll find your attention shifting towards your well-being. This is a season calling for you to consider what support you need physically, mentally, and spiritually in order to step into a greater capacity to hold yourself and those around you. The end of March brings with it a Lunar Eclipse in Libra, which marks the start of an Eclipse Season that will run until the 9th of April. This Eclipse is drawing your attention to relationships and partnerships – calling for you to bring to a close old karmic and ancestral destructive patterns that you are finally ready to put to bed. The key to working with this energy is to surrender.


Sagittarius: November 22 – December 21

The focus for you, at least at the beginning of the month, is to spend time at home and in a kind of energetic retreat. This can manifest as cleaning out your living space, feeling a deep sense of wanting to be at home, or literally being bound to your home (as part of your own healing journey). As the Pisces New Moon peaks on the 10th of March, it is calling for you to consider what you want to change about your living circumstance – be that moving places, redecorating, or changing who you live with. This is a New Moon to get really focused on what you want to leave behind and what you want to invite into the way you live. As the Sun moves into Aries on the 20th of March, it’s time to get some of that much-needed sparkle and optimism back (particularly if you’ve felt it lacking since late February). This is a month to celebrate, to play, to romance, and be creative – not thinking about the past or future but enjoying the present moment. This month finishes with a Libra Lunar Eclipse (aka Full Moon) on the 25th, which will be stirring up your house of friendships. It can bring to a head any tension you have been feeling around how much energy you give (without necessarily receiving) in your social circles. What is at play is karmic energy that won’t settle until the 9th of April, so do your best to resolve any friendship challenges before the 25th!


Capricorn: December 22 – January 19

Pisces Season, which started on the 19th of February, has had you deep in the waters of your own intuition, listening to your inner voice, and coming to terms with the notion that every idea you have ever had has simply been a result of your receiving from the divine. This is also a season that has brought you important conversations which have allowed you to speak up and even bring relationships or connections that have overstayed their welcome to a close. As the New Moon peaks on the 10th of March, it calls for you to use your voice and your truth to lay intentions for the coming 6 months. Asking you to consider where you need to trust yourself more, how you want to channel your voice (be that spoken or in writing), as well as getting comfortable with leaning further into your intuition (and channelling abilities). As the Sun moves into Aries on the 20th, it can feel like you are being called home - to spend more time retreating from the world, redecorating your place, or even moving from your current location. The ultimate focus over the next month, while the Sun is in Aries, is on you feeling at home in your own skin. This month will close with a Libra Lunar Eclipse on the 25th, which will be stirring up energy around your career and how you handle responsibilities. It’s calling for you to step into greater alignment with your soul calling, as well as be humbled by your need to delegate more – even reaching out and asking for help, instead of carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders.


Aquarius: January 20 – February 18

If money, finances, and issues of worthiness have been on your mind since late last month, then know that the beginning of March will continue this theme. Inviting you to start engaging with money in a new way. Instead of seeing it as something you lack, it’s asking for you to realize that it is simply energy and as such, it reciprocates the relationship you have with your own sense of value. The Pisces New Moon on the 10th of March marks an important time to lay intentions around the relationship you have with your finances and your sense of worthiness. If you feel like you need a little extra help in this area of your life, ask the cosmos for that support (it is always willing). As the Sun moves into Aries, it can feel like fresh energy is entering your life and ideas are flooding your system. This is a season to have important conversations, to be direct and let others know the direction you see yourself heading in (if that’s something you’ve been thinking about). This month will finish with the first Eclipse Season of 2024 – kicking off on the 25th of March (lasting until the 9th of April) with a Libra Lunar Eclipse. This Eclipse is calling for expansion in how you understand love, and it’s demanding you step into greater freedom in your partnerships. It can see you flying overseas, meeting someone who really stretches your mind, or simply stepping into greater liberation in your existing relationship.


Pisces: February 19 – March 20

Your birthday season continues until the 20th of March. As such, this is a time of new beginnings for you and opportunities to start walking a new path, to find a sense of focus, and even feel like you finally understand your own direction in life. It can feel like the opening of a new chapter in how you see yourself and treat your body. There is a very important New Moon for you on the 10th, which is calling for you to lay your intentions for the coming year. It has the ability to help you step into greater clarity in your life, as well as help set you up for the coming 6 months which are calling for you to dive headfirst (very un-Pisces) into a new direction. As the Sun moves into Aries, your focus will be shifting to finances and matters of worthiness. This isn’t the easiest energy for you, and it can have you wanting to hide from your bank statements or simply not face reality. That said, this is an energy that can help you step into new energy around money and give you the opportunity to start embodying an even greater sense of worthiness to reflect this. March will finish with a Libra Lunar Eclipse on the 25th – kicking off a big portal of karmic energy which will last until the 9th of April. This Eclipse is calling your well-being and health to light. It’s helping you to step into greater responsibility for where you give your energy away – and asking for you to put your needs first (for once) in order to have a greater capacity to serve others (including romantic and business partners).


Weekly Astrology Forecast: 3rd - 9th of March - Healing


Weekly Astrology Forecast: 25th of February - 2nd of March - Ancestral Karma