Smells like Rebellion! Here's what to expect with the Aquarius New Moon.

Welcome to a New Moon calling for you to release resistance to speaking your truth

When: 10th of February at 11:58am (NZ); 9:58am (Sydney), 9:28am (Adelaide), 8:58am (Brisbane), 6:58am (Perth/ Beijing), 4:28am (India), 2:58am (Dubai) + 9th of February at 10:58pm (London), 5:58pm (NY), 3:58pm (Boulder) + 2:58pm (LA)

New Moon Key Themes: Break throughs, unexpected messages, speaking up, going it alone + embracing being unconventional.


New Moons represent the start of a new cycle - which is completed with the corresponding Full Moon. Every New Moon is like a seed which holds within it intent and the power of incredible co-creation with the oversoul (god, goddess, higher self - whatever label you wish to give the unmanifest that is beyond labels). As such this New Moon represents the start of something new (which we'll go into in the forecast below), that will come to fruition with the Aquarius Full Moon later this year around the 20th of August. As such consider this New Moon as a time to be extra mindful, and present to the desires the universe wishes to bring through you and into the physical realm. How short or long that takes is really dependant on your inner resistance (which is ultimately a result of Karma). So if you feel you need a little help in speeding things up, consider donating your time to someone in need (aka doing selfless service) - feeding someone, planting trees for mother earth or simply enacting some small radical acts of kindness in your community like picking up rubbish or helping someone cross the street.


A big influence on this Lunar Cycle (which is the 6 months from this New Moon) is Mercury. The New Moon will be in Mercury's Decan (the part of Aquarius ruled by this Planet) and the Aquarius Full Moon on the 20th of August will be influenced by Mercury Retrograde. This tells us a lot about the energy that is about to come into play. Mercury calls for flexibility (not something that comes naturally to Aquarius), it asks for ideas to be expressed and held onto loosely (as there may be a better answer than what you can currently fathom) and for you to realise that you are a channel for the divine - playing a part of in the overarching divine play. As such this New Moon can feel like your throat chakra is getting activated. It asks that you learn to bend so that you don't break under the weight of the coming 6 months. Bending means being flexible, being ok with 'being wrong' just as much as when you are 'right', accepting that when truth is spoken some people may leave your life, and knowing that you might not have the answer but as a member of a community you hold an important puzzle piece. Bending is maybe best summed up by Lao Tzu:

Stiffness is a companion of death; flexibility a companion of life. An army that cannot yield will be defeated. A tree that cannot bend will crack in the wind.

PS. I've included some journal prompts below by horscope sign(read by ascendent) to help you get clear on where this might be showing up in your life.


As this New Moon is a time of co-creation and laying intentions with the universe it calls for you to get clear and hear that voice that lives beyond the mind to help inform this. With the prominence of Mercury in this New Moon it feels like this intention that is wanting to be known within you has something to do with speaking, writing or using your voice to bring through something truely radical that will question the status quo. This New Moon is harnessing your natural honesty and truthfulness, asking for you to challenge the world around you for the better. Get familiar with what you want to change or disrupt and don't hate that but rather love it so much that you want to support it's evolution. It's really important that hate isn't an emotion that is invoked with your intention for this New Moon as 'whatever you judge you get to keep'. So remember to come from a place of compassion...and if you can't feel that yet, question that and if it's still wound up in emotion then maybe leave that particular intention for another day. When you lay an intention with love, it will radiate love in all it does.


This New Moon will be challenged by Uranus (which rules Aquarius) and Kali. As such this is a time calling for you to get clear on what is holding you back when it comes to speaking up, breaking convention and living in a way which is more authentic to your inner being. While Uranus is in Taurus sending some shade this can indicate that the heart of this block is all around your sense of worthiness and the fear you hold (deep within) of creating something that goes against what is ‘expected’ of you or the mainstream. As there is a deeply creative energy underpinning this New Moon, Uranus demands decisive action and so the coming Lunar Cycle can feel like a school where you are learning about your own worthiness, your own 'enoughness' and your own value in order to take this action. Kali's presence suggests that this block isn't just from this life, but can have some serious karmic underpinnings - perhaps bringing up lives where you have led revolutions or opposed them...and so the fear of stepping outside the 'accepted reality' can emerge over the coming 6 months.


In Vedic Astrology this New Moon will be at 26' of Capricorn in the Lunar Mansion called Dhanishtha. This is an energy that brings the call to be adapable, flexible and creative. Realising that all of life is a symphony, where we each play different roles or instruments. This Lunar Cycle can have you hearing the music that is being played and realising that creation isn't individual but rather a collective pursuit. It’s not something only a few have a monopoly on, The ruling diety of this Lunar Mansion of the Ashta Vasus (the 8 spheres of nature - who we will be working with in this Moon's Ritual). These are the divine elements that make up all of nature and reflect back to us the idea that even at the highest spiritual level creation is collaborative it takes fire, water, air, aether, earth, stars and the Moon for the powers of the universe to manifest into physical reality. So remember even if what you think you are creating with this New Moon is small and insignificant - it is always part of something greater...and in the same vein if you think that what you are creating is magnificant and massive - it is still part of something greater. Creativity isn't up to one person or something that only person has a hold on - it is innate in your nature.


Receive a personal written reading, astrology forecast as well as ritual working with the Ashta Vasus to lay intentions with this New Moon. Details here.


Weekly Astrology Forecast: 11th - 17th of February - Conflict


Weekly Astrology Forecast: 4th - 10th of February - Speaking with Truth